Thursday, November 7, 2019

Trying out Lifestyle Blogging

 I have always been very passionate about what goes on around me in my life. Since I was a kid, I have loved exploring different things outside. I loved looking through the photos my mom had and seeing the life that was displayed in them. I remember thinking as a kid that I wanted a camera so I could capture life when it was least expecting it because it was a beautiful thing. As I have got older, I have realized that I want to capture every part of life because it will only be a memory one day. I want to have stories to tell my children through photos. I have never realized how much taking pictures meant until I had my son, and now I snap pictures left and right of him. It is something that I am not ashamed of because one day he will want to see his childhood, and I will be able to show him every aspect of it. I'm sure people look at me and think of how I'm wasting my life away taking pictures of my son, but I am building his life with those pictures. There is going to be people he will never meet because they passed away when he was a baby, and I want to be able to tell him the things about those people that made them so great while he holds pictures of them.

     Now that I am an adult and have been looking at ways to be a stay at home mom and make money, blogging has been the one thing that constantly keeps popping up on every source of social media that I have. I have decided to give it a go because "You will miss 100% of the shots you never take!" I have been living by this quote a lot here lately, and it is becoming more and more clear as to what it is talking about. As an adult, I can fully understand that meaning. There are so many things I wish I would have done, or at least tried, before my son came along. I am not ashamed of having him when I did because that gives me something new to do in my life. I am actually very happy to have him because he is my saving grace in life.     I have decided that trying this blog thing out might be the best thing for myself and my little family. I will be updating on YouTube every week so I can hold myself accountable because I tend to give up on things like this when it shows no results. I am hoping that I will get great results out of this just because it will give me hope. If you have encouraging words, please do not hesitate to comment them on any of my posts that I have made! I will take every encouraging word that you have!

1 comment:

  1. You are an absolute amazing mom! Keep trying and everything will work out, but do not give up!
